The Way of The Cross - Station 10
Station Ten – Via Dolorosa - Jesus is stripped of his garmentsPrior to his crucifixion, Jesus was stripped of his garments.The site of...
The Way of The Cross - Station 11
Station Eleven – Via Dolorosa - Jesus is Nailed To The Cross. Jesus was taken up to Golgotha, where his hands were nailed to the cross....
The Way of The Cross - Station 12
Station Twelve – Via Dolorosa - Jesus Dies On the Cross. According to tradition, at his last breath, Jesus looked to the sky and said:...
The Way of The Cross - Station 13
Station Thirteen – Via Dolorosa - Jesus is taken down From the Cross. After uttering his last words “My God, My God, Why have you...
The Way of The Cross - Station 14
Station Fourteen – Via Dolorosa - Jesus is Laid in The Tomb. By the late hours of Friday night, Jesus was removed from the cross. The...
Western Wall Tunnels - Opening Model
Known as one of the greatest builders in history, King Herod left an impressive mark and everlasting monument with the building of the...
Western Wall Tunnels - Herodian Road
The Herodian Road is located inside the Western Wall Tunnels in Jerusalem. It is a portion of the market street which existed during the...
Western Wall Tunnels - Warren's Gate
Warren’s Gate refers to an ancient passage which lead to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It was names after Charles Warren who is one of...
Western Wall Tunnels - The Largest Stone
The Largest Stone, also known as the 'Western Stone', is the biggest stone of the Western Wall in Jerusalem and can be found in the Kotel...
There is no question that Jesus was crucified and buried in Jerusalem. However, there is great debate amongst the different Christian...